Monday 26 September 2011

When it rains, it pours....


It poured all weekend. And I'm not talking like Toronto pouring rain. This is Africa. The rain is so heavy, it can wake you up at night. It even startles me sometimes because it often comes out of nowhere and when it really pours, it sounds like a heard of elephants is running on the roof. On Sunday, we saw it coming though. The dark clouds rolled in from behind the hills and brought some treacherous weather with them. This is after I had hand-scrubbed all my clothes and hung them out to dry....the joys of living in Africa....

So you would think, no big deal, just a bit of a movie or read a book. Normally, that would be fabulous. But when it rains, it pours....

We had no power. Oh and no water. For the better half of the afternoon and all evening/night. Meaning dying laptop, no showering, no fridge, no light...this became my best friend:

Mark - this flashlight is the best gift you've ever given me

We ended up hauling buckets of water from the functional tap downstairs and washed our dishes in the dark. The worst part was that there was no way to flush the toilets and I'll avoid further descriptions to keep this blog PG rated. 

Needless to say, this is a good lesson. To add to the list of things I'll never take for granted: electricity and running water!

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