Friday 9 September 2011

When in Doubt, Ice cream

Hard to believe, but this concludes week 2 in Rwanda. Time really does fly...

It wasn't the easiest week for me - being told there is no work for you because you aren't really qualified kind of sucks! But things have turned around and I have managed to join a department that makes a lot more sense: I'm now part of the department of physiotherapy. The director of the department is beaming over the fact that I'm a fellow 'exercise physiologist' - apparently it's rare around here! I feel very welcomed and am starting to get into the groove of things. I'll be teaching anatomy and physiology courses to first year students. And the coolest part is I get to work at another campus in Kibuye for a couple of weeks - it's on a lake, which means it's on a beach, which means I'm smiling! 

But it was a tough week and I found myself perpetually daydreaming about ice cream. Particularly chocolate ice cream (as most of you know, I have a serious addiction to chocolate). So today I decided it was time to find my favourite food. I kicked off the weekend with a tough hilly run, which just made my longing for ice cream that much more extreme. My running buddy suggested that Shokola might be the place to go post run! Shokola is this fancy cafe that a lot of expats go. It's beautiful though:

Shokola mmm

The photo doesn't do it justice - my photography skills were lacking tonight. To my delight, they had ice cream AND in the chocolate variety. As soon as I began consuming the cold chocolately deliciousness, all my worries disappeared. The funniest thing though - when I got home, I got a call from my cousin and he had just been in India for 3 weeks. He suggested (without knowing what I had gotten up to tonight) to go do something I want when I've had a rough go, such as getting ice cream! Yup, it's official: creme glacee is the cure to the world's problems....

sneak peak: tomorrow I'm going to a Canadian-Rwandan music festival. How cool is that? Keep posted!

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