Thursday 1 September 2011

Prelude to Part 2: EPIC journey to Kigali

2 days and 4 take offs later, we finally arrived in Kigali!! But what an epic journey it was!

Saturday night: After sorting out my overweight luggage (thanks to Norah who took on my excessive shampoo supply in her bags), we departed for London, England...on time! (surprising for Air Canada) We had a 10 hour layover in London so we decided to venture out of the airport and see the sights. I was in London last summer so it was like deja vu for me but nonetheless, very cool and lots of fun. We did the usual sightseeing things: Hyde park, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abby (where Will and Kate tied the knot - I took a picture of the balcony for you Marta haha), Big Ben, Parliament, and Trafalgar Square. 

London Rules

We then took a rest stop at a really cool pub. After a pint of cidar, fish and chips, and excessive giggling due to exhaustion, the 4 of us decided to hop on the Metro and head to Notting Hill where Carnivale was taking place. There was lots of great music and happy people - it was definitely a cool day. We then made our way to Paddington station and back to Heathrow we went!! We sadly had to say goodbye at this point as some of us were going to different parts of Africa (the Africa crew consisted of people headed to Botswana, Kenya, Ethiopia, and of course Rwanda).

Sunday Evening: After a delayed flight, our next stop was Nairobi, Kenya. It was a LONG ASS flight. Took over 8 hours! When we finally arrived, I was thrilled to finally be in Africa. It was a cute airport and I managed to get a shot with the Kenya Airways airplane. I'm such a tourist sometimes....

Planes are cool. Especially when they say Kenya Airways. 

Monday Morning: A relatively short flight took us to Bujumbura, Burundi. We stopped for about an hour but thankfully, just stayed on the plane.

Really bad shot of Bujumbura Airport.

Monday afternoon (I think? haha): FINALLY, our last flight happened and we were on our way to Kigali. It was only a 25 min flight, which made me very happy. I was giddy with exhaustion but so thrilled to finally arrive. It was all real now....

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