Thursday 2 February 2012

Crazy Kampala and Nile Rafting in Uganda

This past weekend, I took the 10 hour bus ride to Kampala, Uganda. I had been told by several people that while I was in Rwanda, I had to check out Kampala because it is so 'crazy'. They weren't kidding. When we arrived, we were greeted by this sign on our hotel room door:

Comforting welcome

Kampala is nothing like Kigali. The streets are crowded with people. Clothing markets everywhere. Clubs and bars at every corner. It's a lot dirtier too. But it's a very exciting city and it's never short of things to do. We decided to spend our first day in Uganda poolside to catch some rays and just relax.

Fancy pool

We took it easy that Thursday and enjoyed a view of Lake Victoria:

Giant vulture like birds roaming the park

The following day was very, very different. We got up early that Friday morning and hopped on a bus to a town called Jinja to go white water rafting on the Nile. One of the sources of the Nile is found in Jinja.

Norah and I excited before rafting

The rafting started out fun, not too scary. But by the third rapid, which was a serious grade 5 rapid (the maximum is grade 6 which is considered 'hazardous to life'), I was freaking out. 

Coming down a more gentle rapid

Being flipped in treacherous waters - I'm the single person in the middle holding on for dear life

When you hit the large rapids and get tossed out of the raft and into the river, the water literally throws you around as if you're just a rag doll. I spent maybe a maximum of 5 seconds underwater but it feels like a lifetime. It's the worst when you are stuck in a rapid on the raft (it's like surfing) and you can't get out and water is being thrown on top of you. I was so disoriented at some points. It's a crazy thrill but can't say I'll do it least for a very very long time. The Nile was lovely though. We took some swimming breaks in between rapids and the water is warm and tranquil...until you hit those rapids of course.

The following day, after recovering from the insanity that was white water rafting, we toured around Kampala and did some shopping in the craft market. We then decided to drive out to Entebbe and enjoy Lake Victoria beachside. We were even lucky enough to catch the sunset!

Enjoying the Beach

Ugandan Sunset

We went out that night and I couldn't believe just how culturally different Uganda is from Rwanda. In Rwanda, people are quite reserved and conservative. In Uganda, people just openly dance, are loud, and dress, well, not conservatively. It was a very cool contrast, especially since Uganda is Rwanda's next door neighbour.

We took an overnight bus back to Rwanda on Sunday and unfortunately, our bus broke down in the middle of nowhere. We waited for 3 hours in the middle of the night for a new bus to come rescue us but let's just say, my patience with Africa was dwindling at that point. One thing I've learned here is that patience is probably the most important characteristic in the world if you plan on living happily in Africa. But in the end, we made it home to Kigali safe and sound and that's what matters most!

Uganda - it's a crazy place! 

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