Monday 31 October 2011

Football Match, Rwandan Style

Soccer, or should I say, football is a really big deal here. Like a really really big deal. People LOVE it. So to join in the fun, I decided to go to a Rwandan league game one sunday afternoon. The tickets were only 1000RWF - ie. $1.80. How could I resist?

So we arrive at Ramera stadium in Kigali, where the game is happening, and see herds of people. You'd think that they only sell tickets they have seats for, but oh no, there are far more tickets than seats. So getting into the game was a total gong show. People stormed the gates, it was kind of scary and the police started hitting people with these soft batons. We kinda stepped away and just waited for the mayhem to stop before we tried getting in.

Apparently though, all you need to get into the game is be a muzungo (white person). Awkward much? While groups of people tried to shove their way in, we eventually got an escort into the stadium because we are 'guests'. Super nice but also so unfair and let me tell you, you feel like such an asshole for going with it. But by the same token, it's offensive to say no, so we did what we had to do. 

Norah and I taking it all in

Posing with our friend Joel

The game consisted of soccer and acting. Lots and lots of acting. Dramatic productions galore. The smallest trip results in a 5 minute episode of pain and agony. It was more comedic than anything else. Oh and a fight broke out. And the Rwandan riot police intervened. This all sounds intimidating but it was actually hilarious.  The best part is when the players were taken off the field via gurneys and then proceeded to return to the game, oh 5 min after. 

In the end, it was a tie game. Definitely a fun experience. Africa takes passion for football to a new level!

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