Sunday 1 January 2012

New Year's in the Masa Marai

This year, I rang in 2012 among the wildest creatures of Africa. I went to the Masai Mara in Kenya where lions, leopards, elephants, cheetahs and a multitude of other animals call home. I won't bore you with describing every animal so instead, I leave you with some photos....

Admiring the Rift Valley


They're like giant Kokanees (Kokanee is my cat)

A leopard hanging out

Hungry Zebra with a Wildebeast in the background

Sunset in the Mara

So I 'borrowed' a real Masai bracelet from one of the Masai working at campsite we were staying at. He looks happy here but as soon as we put the camera away, he insisted I give back the bracelet or pay 2000  kenyan shillings (20 bucks or so)....

I chose to give it back!

Alpha male lion on New Year's day

Hyena mom and baby

Ostrich - so big!

A cool looking bird - not sure what the name is but it's the national bird of Uganda

Cheetah: Fastest Land Mammal

Crocodile - maybe almost 100 yrs old 

Nice bum, where ya from?

 Playful Giraffes

 Funky birds

 Crazy cool lizard

 Early morning New Years Day - lions preparing for a hunt

Lion Love

I'm so happy I got to experience the Lion King in real life. A must do when in Africa!

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