Tuesday 8 November 2011

Running to the Congolese Border

Ok so I didn't run from Kigali to the DRC, but I did it from Gisenyi - so maybe a 3 km run each way but I can still pretend it was a long and epic journey. After all, I ran to another country!

Sunday morning was a perfect day for a run - it was cool and damp. Sometimes you forget you are on the equator out here. It gets pretty chilly. Good for running though. 

I'm about to run to the DRC baby!

Running along Lake Kivu to DRC

Scenic and beautiful run - note how green Rwanda is

OMG I made it! 

I was planning on getting a tourist visa and visiting Goma (the Congolese city that Gisenyi borders with) for the day - I mean it's RIGHT there. Unfortunately, DRC is even more unstable than usual because there is currently a presidential election going on. Later on that day, I found out that there had been gunfire in Goma that afternoon...so I guess I was lucky I didn't go, although it was disappointing. It's really sad how much violence and political strife there is out here. But on the plus side, I had a memorable run and maybe I'll try visiting Goma after the elections are over. All is not lost!

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