Tuesday 30 August 2011

Part 2: Made it to Kigali

Quick update - I'm here in Kigali now. Photos and more details to come!!

A day in Cape Breton

After a day in Halifax, we ventured off to Cape Breton Island. We did a really nice hike at Uisage falls and took a dip in a fresh water river. It was cold but really beautiful.

We then went into the town of Baddeck where we indulged in some wine and lobster sandwiches. SO GOOD!! It was a great way to spend our last weekend in Canada (for a while, anyways)!

Saturday 20 August 2011

A weekend to explore Nova Scotia: Halifax and Peggy's Cove

 THEODORE TUGBOAT!! I got really excited when I saw this...
 Some pretty flowers in the gardens.
Halifax Harbour: Doesn't get much more Canadian.
 Peggy's Cove.
 We were lucky enough to catch the sunset.
 Isn't this picture postcard worthy?!
 Gotta love that Atlantic Ocean.
After 2 weeks of orientation, it was finally time to explore Nova Scotia!! A scenic 2 hour drive took us to Halifax. Overall, a very cute city. We managed to check out the Market, have some fish and chips, wander in the gardens, and climb the hill where the fort is. With the ocean view and the salt water breeze, sometimes you really forget you are in a city. Next stop was Peggy's Cove. The drive out was really beautiful - exactly what you expect out of Atlantic Canada. The entire area just feels very Canadian. We were all very excited when we reached Peggy's Cove. One word to describe it: stunning. We made it for sunset and the ocean looked amazing against the backdrop of sun kissed lavender skies. I took no shortage of pictures, and they speak for themselves. Definitely worth the drive. Tomorrow I head out to Cape Breton so expect some pics of that too. Hard to believe that one week from this moment, I'll be on my way to the other side of the globe...

Saturday 13 August 2011

What better way to end the week than to jump into the Atlantic Ocean?

Week 1 of training is done and I couldn't be happier! I figured a good way to celebrate was to join some people and head out to the coast (about a 15 minute drive from Antigonish). The beach was rocky and muddy (it rained here all week) but really beautiful! Everyone jumped into the ocean, including myself - I nearly froze to death but it was worth it. Loving the salt water. 2 more weeks until I get onto that plane and head to the other side of the world but in the meanwhile, I'll be enjoying as much of Atlantic Canada as I can. I'm heading to Halifax next week so if anyone has any tips on what to see in Halifax, please share!

Sunday 7 August 2011

Part 1: Orientation in Antigonish

So I'm gonna make this first post short, as I'm not really in Rwanda yet. I've arrived in Antigonish (yup, it's pretty hard to pronounce that properly) - a small town 2 hrs from Halifax and the home of St. FX University. Orientation starts tomorrow and I'll begin to learn more about the details of the internship. I head to Rwanda at the end of August, so I promise this blog will get more exciting soon. Keep posted!!